Friday, September 14, 2007

Spanish Word of the Day - buey

Spanish buey = ox
from L. bovis, whence E. bovine
The noble ox was the engine of Manifest Destiny.

"The ox is a most noble animal, patient, thrifty, durable, gentle and does not run off. Those who come to this country will be in love with their oxen. The ox will plunge through mud, swim over streams, dive into thickets and he will eat almost anything." (
Oregon Trail Pioneer Peter Burnett)

The most famous warhorse of all time was considered unbreakable until the 12 year old lad who would become Alexander the Great observed the reason for the stallion's wild behavior. He was afraid of his own shadow. Alexander solved the problem by placing the horse facing the sun so that his shadow fell behind him. He mounted the horse and rode off into history. Bucephalos (Oxhead, Alexander's affectionate name for him) died of battle wounds in India at age 28. The grief-stricken Alexander buried him, then founded a city and named it after him (Bucephala, thought to be modern-day Jhelum in Pakistan).

Mounted warriors in those days had access to neither saddles nor stirrups. It took hardy men with sturdy legs and well trained horses to give battle from horseback.

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